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Giving Yourself Love and Kindness (Meditation)

Giving yourself kindness script 1

We are all human. And we all have our struggles.

Sometimes people we love are difficult to love. They don’t seem to have what we want in their lives. Or they get upset easily, causing us to react in anger or frustration.

We can feel trapped by these relationships, unable to find a way out of them.

Forgiveness allows you to release this pain and offer yourself the gift of love.

Try to notice how you are with yourself and others. Are you treating yourself well? Are you kind to yourself? If not, what changes would it take to make this happen?

Think of a person you are kind to. You might be thinking of somebody who is important to you, like a family member, a friend, or a pet.

Take the time to think about who you feel closest to.

Then, think about what you like about that person. Maybe he or she is funny or strong, kind or caring.

When you are ready, tell yourself that you deserve to be treated with love and kindness. Say it to yourself and repeat it in your mind.

Be gentle with yourself, knowing that if you were treated with love, you would be kind to yourself as well. You deserve to be seen as the beautiful being that you are.


Giving yourself love and kindness script 2

When you feel discouraged or unappreciated, your mind may tell you that you are unlovable or unworthy.

However, if you can acknowledge that you are worthy of love, then you can begin to offer yourself love and kindness. You can practice these virtues even when you don’t feel deserving of them.

Find a comfortable posture in which to meditate.

Bring your attention to your physical sensations. When thoughts arise, acknowledge that you have chosen them, but continue to attend to your physical experience.

Begin by bringing to mind one part of your body you like. Can you feel your skin, or maybe the weight of your bones?

Ask yourself if you are kind and giving. Does that part of you feel generous?

When it doesn’t feel that way, what could you do to change that?

Imagine a situation in which you would want to be kind to that part of yourself. Imagine that you could do this.

Bring to mind that part of yourself that you would like to be kinder to. Ask that part to feel kindness.

What would that be like?

Give it permission to receive love and kindness. Continue for at least two minutes.

Afterward, return to your body.

Breathe deeply for a few moments.

How did this exercise go?


Giving yourself love and kindness script 3

When you make the choice to cultivate loving-kindness, you can create a powerful inner environment for happiness.

Loving-kindness is a form of self-care that you can apply in any moment, and in any context.

The practice can help you cultivate loving-kindness for yourself and others.

By learning to cultivate loving-kindness, you become more accepting of yourself and others. You begin to see the intrinsic value in each other.

You also build a foundation for compassion. Compassion is a key ingredient in all successful relationships, whether romantic or professional.

To cultivate loving-kindness, you simply begin by taking a few moments to recognize and feel appreciation for the good in yourself and others.

Sit comfortably and bring your awareness to the breath.

You may start by focusing on the body. Think about what you like about yourself or about your body. Or you may focus on your mind and what you like about that.

Once your mind begins to settle, begin offering phrases of appreciation. You might say something like, “May I live with joy and ease.”

Continue offering phrases of appreciation until the mind begins to settle again. Take some time to rest and reflect on this practice. You may return to it later in the day or after a period of rest.

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Written by Adewale Ademuyiwa


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