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Self Kindness imagery meditation

Self Kindness imagery meditation script 1

Close the eyes, and bring awareness to the sensations of your feet touching the floor. Take a moment to notice the ground under you. Feel the contact with the earth. Breathe in and out, and notice the movement of air in your nostrils.

Now, imagine that you are standing on top of a cliff, looking down at a beautiful green valley. Imagine that you are feeling the wind on your face. You can smell the air, and you can see the trees swaying in the wind. You can hear the birds chirping in the distance.

Feel the peace in this place. Feel yourself surrounded by the beauty of the green landscape.

Ask yourself, “Where would you go?” Where do you wish to be right now?

Imagine going into this place, taking a deep breath, and resting in the peace of the scenery.

You have chosen this place to be here for your rest. What is it about this place that you like? What is the beauty that attracts you? Notice what it is about this place that is attractive.

Continue to notice the landscape. Notice how it makes you feel.

Now imagine yourself traveling to this place and spending the next week there. Just notice what it feels like to be here for a week.

If you wish, think about people you know in this place. Think about the places that they go, and how it feels to be in those places.

Notice how it feels to be with them. Notice how it feels to be in the presence of someone you love.

After a few minutes, imagine yourself returning home.

Imagine how you would like to feel when you arrive home. Notice your reactions to being at home. Notice the joy of being home, and the feelings that arise in the body.

What is it about this place that you like?


Self Kindness imagery meditation script 2

Create a visual image of yourself holding the hand of a friend or loved one. In your imagination, see the image in detail.

You may feel compassion for yourself and for the person holding your hand. Feel the warmth of kindness radiating from your heart into the hand of the person in the image.

Ask yourself, “What qualities does my friend have that make her kind?” Imagine yourself responding to those qualities.

Ask yourself, “What do I like about myself?” Feel the love and appreciation that you would express for your friend.

As you move through this exercise, imagine yourself expressing kindness and compassion toward others.

In this way, you can practice self-kindness and kindness to others. You can choose to be compassionate with yourself and others, and this will strengthen your sense of self-worth and your sense of connection to others.

Close your eyes and focus your attention on the breath. Breathe deeply and evenly. Focus on the feeling of breathing. With each exhalation, release the breath.

Notice any thoughts that arise. Just be with them, and let them come and go.

After a few breaths, open your eyes.


Self Kindness image meditation script 3

This meditation brings an easy practice of self-kindness to your daily life. It helps you cultivate patience and kindness for yourself.

Find a comfortable meditation posture and notice any sensations in the body. Take a few slow breaths to become grounded and to bring your attention to your senses.

As you begin, just notice the experience of being human. Imagine a wave of energy flowing through your body, traveling through every cell. It may feel like warmth or energy.

As you continue, imagine that this energy is filled with kindness. Just feel kindness as it flows throughout the body. This is the wave of energy that you want to embody.

Imagine that the waves of energy are gentle and kind. As they move through your body, they fill every part of you with kindness. It may feel like a warm feeling, like someone gently touching you.

Continue for five minutes, imagining that your entire body is filled with the wave of energy that you want to embody. After five minutes, gently bring your attention back to the world.

When you open your eyes, notice the effects of the meditation on you. If you want, you can reflect on this experience for a moment.

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Written by Adewale Ademuyiwa


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