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The Power of Loving Kindness: A Guided Meditation Script

The power of loving kindness: a guided meditation (Script 1)

Loving kindness is a natural response of the heart. When you feel kindness, it is as though a warm light fills the entire body.

You can use the practice of loving kindness to create positive change in your life.

Sit comfortably and invite a sense of ease into the body.

In this meditation, you will offer phrases of loving kindness to yourself. You can use these phrases as a guide in doing this exercise.

Start by offering a phrase of loving kindness to yourself. Begin with the first letter of the alphabet, A, and offer a phrase to yourself with each breath.

Say a phrase such as I offer you my love, compassion, and friendship. I offer a sense of ease and support to your mind and body. I offer you health and well-being.

Keep offering the phrase to yourself with each inhale and exhale. Don’t rush to the end of the alphabet. Stay with the first letter for at least four or five minutes.

When you feel ready, shift to the next letter, B, and offer yourself the same phrases. Repeat the process, offering yourself the phrases of loving kindness for the next letter of the alphabet.

If you want to, repeat the phrases of loving kindness until you have offered all of the letters of the alphabet.

After this meditation, you can continue offering phrases of loving kindness throughout the day. You can also use the phrases of loving kindness to work on yourself.

To do this, offer yourself these phrases as you notice thoughts that arise. For example, as you have a negative thought, say, “May I offer myself loving kindness.”

You can also use the phrases of loving kindness to connect with others. When you feel a sense of kindness in the heart, you can offer this kindness to someone else.

For example, when you see someone in pain, you can offer yourself and the other person loving kindness.

The practice of loving kindness is a practice of unconditional love. It is a way of seeing the goodness and beauty in yourself and others.

The Power of Loving Kindness (Script 2)

What makes us happy?

It’s a complex question. We need to consider a broad range of variables, from the small details of our day-to-day experience, to the big picture of how we view the world and ourselves.

One thing that makes us happy is love.

In this guided meditation, you will explore this simple truth. You will learn to connect with the power of kindness and the way it can change your life.

Begin by relaxing the body, noticing the body and the mind settling into a comfortable place.

With the mind, notice how you feel. Do you feel content, happy, sad, angry, or frustrated?

When you feel at ease, begin by bringing to mind a person that you love and care about. Think of their face, their voice, their smile, or their touch.

Imagine that you could feel their touch on your hand right now. How would that feel? Imagine that you are wrapped up in your loved one’s arms.

Feel yourself becoming aware of the feeling of connection you have with this person.

Allow yourself to feel affectionate toward this person for a few moments. You can say anything you want to this person.

Even if you don’t know them well, tell them what you appreciate about them. Tell them how much you value them.

Say to yourself: “I’m here with my loved one. I love you. You’re safe. I’m happy.”

Notice how you feel in your body. Does it feel like the weight of the world has been lifted?

Think about what your loved one might say to you in response.

How would they answer the question “What makes you happy?”

What does it mean to be kind?

The power of loving kindness: a guided meditation (Script 3)

As we practice loving kindness meditation, we direct our attention to all beings, including ourselves. We use phrases like “May I be happy” and “May they be safe.” We can think of people we know and appreciate, or just imagine somebody who would benefit from receiving kindness in this life.

In the practice, you can imagine how someone else feels. When we do this, we connect with the kindness in their heart. It is the same kind of connection that develops between a mother and her baby. She sees her child’s needs and responds with tenderness.

There are four components of loving kindness meditation. Each component is a practice that you can repeat.

Focus on the breath as it goes in and out.

First, think of yourself as a being filled with pure kindness. You are compassionate and gentle. Your intentions are good.

Say the following phrases to yourself: May I be safe. May I be healthy. May I be happy. May I be at ease.

Second, think of somebody you love or value. In your imagination, see them as filled with kindness and compassion.

Say the following phrases to yourself: May she be safe. May she be healthy. May she be happy. May she be at ease.

Third, think of somebody you dislike or feel ill will toward. In your imagination, see them as filled with cruelty and meanness.

Say the following phrases to yourself: May they be safe. May they be healthy. May they be happy. May they be at ease.

Finally, think of somebody you don’t like or have no feelings for. In your imagination, see them as empty and hollow.

Say the following phrases to yourself: May they be safe. May they be healthy. May they be happy. May they be at ease.

Close the eyes and imagine how this person feels. Bring to mind a moment when you experienced kindness. How does it feel to receive kindness?

Imagine how it feels to be the recipient of kindness. Feel the tenderness.

When you’re ready, open your eyes. Breathe deeply for a few moments.

Back to the list of loving kindness meditations>>

Written by Adewale Ademuyiwa


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