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Visualizing Receiving Love and Care (Meditation script)

Visualizing receiving love and care script 1

When you imagine someone giving you love and care, you are re-experiencing that moment in your heart. This visualization can help you become more connected to a kindhearted aspect of yourself, which is the source of your natural goodness and compassion.

Close the eyes and take a moment to relax. Breathe deeply, noticing the sensations of your body.

Visualize that somebody, who you care for deeply, is giving you care and love right now. Feel the warmth and gentleness in their energy. Notice how the moment feels.

Take three breaths, and then open your eyes. You can stay connected to the image in your mind. Try to remember what it felt like to be with this person in that moment.

If you want to connect to this aspect of yourself more often, you can use it as a reminder that you are cared for. You may also notice it arise in situations where you are feeling unloved or unkind.

Remember that you, too, have the capacity to care and be caring. With mindfulness, you can see yourself being filled with kindness and love.

Close your eyes, and take a moment to relax. Re-visit the image you created, bringing the person closer and closer. Bring it to mind whenever you feel unloved or unkind.


Visualizing receiving love and care script 2

We all desire love and care. When we feel this way, our mind and heart open. With mindfulness, we can notice our emotions and the thoughts that arise, allowing them to come and go.

The practice of receiving love and care focuses on the feelings of receiving these qualities and offers us a container in which we can receive love and care.

Find a comfortable posture and invite gentleness into the body from the beginning. Notice the quality of your body and mind.

Bring to mind somebody who gives love and care. Think about their kindness and what it feels like to receive this from them. You may feel love, acceptance, or appreciation.

Imagine a gentle, soft light, or a feeling of warmth filling your body. Notice how it feels and stay with this experience for a few breaths.

When you are ready, bring your awareness back to the breath and notice what arises when you remember the image of receiving love and care.

Be aware of the thoughts that arise when you think about the image. Do they bring you joy, or do you find them painful? If they are painful, can you notice what emotions arise with the thought, such as anxiety, fear, or sadness?

These thoughts may offer you insights about your life and why you are receiving love and care. Simply allow them to arise and pass away.

After three to five minutes, notice how the body feels. Does it feel lighter or stronger? Has the breath changed?

Bring awareness to the emotions that arise in the body. What are they, and how does the body feel? If they are heavy, can you notice the sensations in the body, such as the tightness in the shoulders or heaviness in the chest?

Now, take the time to notice the qualities of the mind. What is your awareness like? Can you notice the thoughts in the mind or the thoughts in the body?

If you can notice the qualities of the mind and body, you can begin to develop awareness of the experience of receiving love and care.

Close the eyes and notice the breath. Inhale for a count of five, hold for a count of seven, and exhale for a count of eight.

Notice the sensations of the breath and the thoughts that arise.


Visualizing receiving love and care script 3

Bring to mind a person whom you would like to receive love and care from.

You may have met this person in your life. Perhaps you are a child of someone you want to show care and love to. Or maybe you have had a conversation or relationship with this person that is especially meaningful.

Whatever form the image of this person takes, know that you want to give this person your love and care.

Imagine that you are giving this person the care and attention that he or she deserves, and let the image fill your mind.

Feel the warmth of your care and the peace of mind that this person will experience as a result of your efforts.

Let the person know that you are thinking of him or her, and thank your friend or family member for taking up your attention in this way.

Stay with the visualization for a few moments and then release your mind and open your eyes.


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Written by Adewale Ademuyiwa


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